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About Innovation
Volume 2 • Number 4 (Data Storage)
Schools Section
  • Data Storage: A Singapore Success Story
    The nation gains momentum in its drive towards excellence in storage production and research.
  • Magnetic Storage
    Magnetic recording packs in the bits and makes the sensing element more responsive.
  • New Non-Volatile Memory
    Why wait for the computer to boot up?
  • Optical Storage
    Research in high-density DVD and holographic memory offers the promise of lower-cost storage.
  • Network Storage Systems
    The fully connected home will need full data storage capacity.
  • Multinational Talent
    Meet Professor Charanjit Bhatia, Temasek Professor with the new Information Storage Materials Laboratory.
  • Plugging Singapore into Worldwide Research on Consumer Electronics
    Sony’s Singapore Research Laboratory focuses on storage research.
Features Departments
  • Editorial
    The Data Storage Institute celebrates 10 years of R&D.
  • In Brief
    Innovative highlights in various fields.
  • Spotlight
    Dr David Thompson, a veteran storage researcher who will be chairing the Scientific Advisory Board of Singapore’s Data Storage Institute, talks about pushing the digital storage frontiers.
  • Events Calendar
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