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Volume 3 • Number 1 (Cancer Research)
Schools Section
  • Singapore Revs Up Cancer Research
    Singapore’s unique demographic advantages and government-backed initiatives enhance its potential to become a world-class hub for cancer research and treatment.
  • Cancer Patterns in Singapore
    The No. 1 killer disease in Singapore follows certain trends.
  • National Cancer Centre Adopts Holistic Approach to Cancer Care
    Multidisciplinary clinical and research programmes at the centre aim to prevent and treat cancer.
  • Promoting an Open Policy in Research
    The Genome Institute of Singapore attracts international researchers.
Work on Different Cancers Features
  • Fun with Optical Tweezers
    Singapore scientists have chanced upon a new application for optical tweezers, a technique wherein a tightly focused laser beam is used to manoeuvre tiny particles — manipulating carbon nanotubes.
  • Online Education in Bioinformatics
    Several overseas universities and NUS have joined forces to form a consortium offering global online bioinformatics courses that address the current interest in and need for talent development in this field.
  • Delving into the Brain
    Phantom-limb expert shares his views on how treating this disorder has also helped reveal the mysteries of the human brain.
  • Attacking Soil Disease on Various Fronts
    Defence institute investigates ways to overcome melioidosis, a lethal tropical disease particular to Southeast Asia.
  • Start-up Firms Translate Research into Innovative Business Models
    Three brand-new firms win national techno-venture business-plan competition with their technopreneurial innovations.
  • Editorial
    Personalising Cancer Treatment: The Singapore Advantage.
  • In Brief
    Innovative highlights in various fields.
  • Spotlight
    Prof Yoshiaki Ito, renowned cancer specialist, gives insights into cancer advances.
  • Viewpoint
    Attorney examines the issue of informed consent in clinical trials.
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