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Volume 3 • Number 3 (Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)
Schools Section Features
  • The Fascinating World of Calcium-Rich Material Synthesis in Organisms
    Understanding the mechanisms of calcium growth in living organisms may translate into the synthesis of functional biomaterials.
  • A New Way to Fabricate Diamond Films
    A team from Singapore and the United States has jointly developed a method that more effectively fabricates diamond film for sophisticated optical systems.
  • A Fine Balancing Act in Medical Research
    In a field dominated by men, the head of Stanford University's Department of Medicine holds her own.
  • Converting Technology for Bedside Use
    The bridging of technology and application carries over into biomedine.
  • Bio-X Devices Measure Water Safety
    Biomolecular sensors may serve as a weapon against bioterrorism.
  • Transportation Special
    Intelligent transport systems smooth traffic flow.
  • Editorial
    Riding the nano wave.
  • In Brief
    Innovative highlights in various fields.
  • Spotlight
    Nobel Laureate Ahmed Zewail shares insights into nurturing a culture of science
  • Calendar
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