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Volume 2 • Number 1 (Medicine of the Future)
Schools Section
  • Enhancing Human Life with Genetic Science
    Singapore researchers use genes to develop treatments for diseases endemic in this part of the world. Various ongoing efforts bring hope to patients suffering from liver cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, systemic lupus erythematosus and other ailments common in Singapore.
  • Putting A Face on the Chat Line
    Most people have an aversion to 'face-to-face' conversation via video telephony or Internet-based video-conferencing. Now a 3D facial animation software will allow users to chat over the Net with full expression, without revealing their identity.

  • Virtually Safe Surgery
    A surgeon does not have the luxury of a second chance when performing complex operations. This is especially critical for surgery on the brain, probably the most complex organ in the human. Now, a computer simulator developed in Singapore promises to minimise the risk of mistakes by surgeons.
  • The Dilemma of Choice
    Law Lecturer Associate Professor Terry Kaan reflects on the recent case of the Siamese twins Jodie and Mary, and its implications for the role of bioethics in the face of rapid medical advances.
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