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Volume 2 • Number 2 (Water - The Singapore Perspective)
Schools Section Cover Story
  • Preserving the Tropical Marine Environment
    NUS and TMSI scientists face the challenge of understanding and predicting the influence of humans on the tropical marine ecology
  • Arresting Red Tide at the Singapore Shore
    Biologists investigate harmful microscopic algae and foreign organisms that cause seafood poisoning and other emerging diseases
  • Foul Play on Singapore's High Seas
    Studies on biofouling creatures aim to help in the development of more eco-friendly anti-fouling methods
  • Rapid Analysis of Marine Microorganisms
    Flow cytometry and molecular techniques detect potentially toxic marine microorganisms
  • Eye in the Sky Monitors Environmental Pollution
    A novel approach helps pinpoint regional forest fires and oil spills with greater accuracy
  • Coaxing Cures from Venomous Snakes
    Researchers harness the natural power of snake venom
  • Software Reuse in Mission-Critical Systems
    A Singapore-Canada project uses the Internet as the framework to meet reliability requirements for mission-critical systems while still allowing software reuse.
  • Digital Atlas Maps Worldwide Communities
    Location, location, location….Global Atlas indexes the Web according to geographical position.
  • Innovative Water Recycling in Urban Design
    Design integrates wastewater-treatment facilities and rainwater-catchment areas into the urban landscape
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