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Volume 4 • Number 1 (Wireless)
Schools Section
  • Wireless Is Hot -- and Getting Hotter
    With the wireless field heating up, its technology holds promise as he next-generation communication platform
  • Expert Views on Wireless Research in Singapore
    Advisors to Singapore's wireless efforts list key factors for successful research.
  • Singapore Draws up Blueprint for Connectivity
    The island nation maps out a strategy for becoming connected.
  • Breaking the Ultra-Wideband Record
    Singapore researchers set a new speed record for wireless UWB
  • What Is Next for UWB?
    Standardisation of UWB core technology should become reality by May 2004.
  • Singapore to Test UWB Technology
    A two-year programme sets the stage for promoting UWB
  • Making Waves in Antenna R&D
    New design paradigm for antennas.
  • Singapore Conducts Trial on Next-Generation Wireless Networks
    Study identifies issues arising from wireless deployment.
  • Hitting the Mobile Hotspots
    Asia is adopting wireless technology faster than other parts of the world
  • MIMO Meets the Need for Speed without Wires
    Exploiting multiple paths to achieve parallel communication.
  • Broadband Wireless — More Than Just the Last Mile
    Ethernet bridges provide last-mile connectivity.
  • Tapping Radio-over-Fibre Technology
    Radio and optical-fibre technologies integrate.
  • Cutting down Noise and Distortion in Receivers
    New circuit design reduces portable-device noise.
  • Smart Antennas
    Intelligent signal processing and antenna arrays enhance wireless quality.
  • Researching and Providing Radio Frequency Solutions
    Oki centre researches radio frequency.
  • AMASE Spells Freedom for Wireless Surfing on the Go
    New mobile platform for wireless Internet access.
  • Contactless Identification via Radio Frequency
    Singapore libraries are among the first to tag books using radio frequency.
  • Making the Mobile Internet Secure
    Innovation heightens security of Net mobile users.
  • Software Radio: The Future of Wireless Communication?
    Software radio promises multiple-standard support.
  • What Next, Post- Genomics?
    Craig Venter, founder of Celera Genomics, looks beyond the human genome
  • Zipping up Sound for Higher Fidelity
    Singapore-developed audio compression software adopted as MPEG reference model
  • Journey through Half a Century of Bioengineering
    Bioengineer looks back at exciting developments during his long career.
  • Fast and Accurate Microarray Probe Selection
    Software helps speed up the selection of probes in DNA chips
  • A Ray of Light for Obesity and Diabetes
    Discovery of a protein made by a fat cell could lead to a weight-loss drug breakthrough.
  • Keeping Children Healthy
    A renowned paediatrician researches ways to fight childhood diseases.
  • Singapore Kick-Starts Nanobioengineering Efforts
    New institute to conduct research with competitive edge.
  • Editorial
    "Wiring Up" without Wires.
  • In Brief
    Innovation highlights in various fields.
  • Industry Updates
    Significant industry developments.
  • Spotlight
    Computer scientist who put up White House portal identifies key R&D areas for wireless communication.
  • Viewpoint
    Various business models for possible wireless communication implementation.
  • Calendar
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